Quirky Books: The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

The words are timeless. After studying Taoism and going to business school, I already wrote articles related to topics illustrated in the book. Oddly, this author might have encouraged modern approaches to life in the United States; ergo, Taoism encouraged several studies applied in business: evaluating strengths and weaknesses, planning stages and transforming situations. Unfortunately, he probably lost royalties to A. A. Milne who wrote "Winnie-the-Pooh" in 1926. Hoff wrote few novels; however, he wrote "the Tao of Pooh" to express Taoism from the Taoist viewpoint.

Superior to "the Te of Piglet" it expresses Tao religious and spiritual concepts. Fairly relaxed the average reader will be compelled by how he interprets information. The interpretations are allusive and direct. Sometimes information is relayed with citations to support debate. Sometimes he utilizes dry explanations common in culture. This is important, because while a person uses information in real life situations to gain wisdom, communication has few personal attachments.

Perhaps he wishes to emulate the "Tao of Pooh" which is a musing for "Tao of P'u." P'u is a philosopher who felt the simple, carefree meandering of individuals exposes the true virtue of a person's life and nature of the universe. Concepts and intellectualizing hinder an ability to see the world as it truly is; therefore, over-analyzing tends to create delay and problems.

Though the wording is occasionally awkward Hoff manages to get closer to relaying accurate translation of the religion. One instance is in attempting to explain "nothing." Translations sum up a broad topic of remaining still or self-control into, nothing. This is inaccurate and misleading. Through a few heartfelt paragraphs are better descriptions a translation appears.

This book is excellent and fun to read. Quirky within various aspects, everyone can and should read this book. Sometimes people are judgmental of unfamiliar religions. Several misconceptions are summarized, letting the agreeable nature of Taoism become apparent. Despite what people may think, positive ethics are positive ethics regardless of words and phrases. People can play the same game of solitaire differently and still win.

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Quirky Books
The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff
Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne