Quirky Books: Don't Know Much about History by Kenneth C. Davis

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't Know Much about History by Kenneth C. Davis

A worthwhile book, I can see why it was a New York Times "Bestseller." Often history is difficult to remember. Kenneth C. Davis writes like a storyteller. The tone and mood shift between the stories creating a memorable mood. The 418 pages can be daunting. Set down several times, always picked it up again.

Copyrighted in 1990 it starts with Columbus and ends with Former President Ronald Regan. There were few historical facts differing from the facts learned in American History; however, the several unique stories combine specific facts to compose cohesive stories. Cohesive timelines also assist in remembering information. Rarely was information segmented into categories. In chapter seven, Water Gate was mentioned as a milestone of the Vietnam War, Water Gate was not directly addressed until later because it occurred later.

Some lesser known facts are highlighted throughout the text. Kenneth C. Davis mentions the National Gazette and internment camps. This produces keywords for the reader to find related books and expand knowledge.

Kenneth C. Davis is primarily educated through the public school system. He attended Concordia College in Bronxville, N.Y. and Fordham University at Lincoln Center. Later he was honored with a Doctor of Humane Letters by Concordia College in 1999.

The book is divided into eight long chapters with various sections. Having been to public and private schools it seems like United States history ends during the Great Depression or the end of World War II. If experiencing a similar problem flip to chapter seven to read the mini novel, of approximately one hundred pages, about missing decades after 1945.

Since the information is factual and based on commonly known history, tugs at the United States mystique are barely noticeable. It is a worthwhile book for anyone interested in history or struggling with putting all the information together; however, it is a long book. The few illustrations by William Bramhall hardly remove it from the category of "textual novel." I recommend it to anyone with an interest in politics, history or a lot of time.