Quirky Books: The Great Way of All Beings by Lao Tzu

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Great Way of All Beings by Lao Tzu

A compilation of Taoist and Christian Beliefs, Paul Ferrini contributes his vision of the "Tao Te Ching" in the first half of the book with "River of Light." The second half of the book is one of the best Chinese to English versions I have read.

Paul Ferrini is a Spiritual Leader who received a Bachelor Degree from Marlboro College in Literature, Philosophy and Religion and then continued to gain a Master Degree from Antioch Graduate School in Teaching. His major contribution to society is "a Course in Miracles." With a strong bias towards Christianity, he is often referred to as, "Radical."

This Radical Christian Belief is apparent in complimentary passages and ideals between Taoism and Christianity. Most of it is pertinent though at times quotes from the New Testament are conspicuous. His perspective is valid and I believe Ferrini has good intentions, yet while these quotes have a personal meaning they might carry a different meaning with others. Otherwise, he is a proven gifted and talented Spiritual Mentor.

The second half of the book is a literal translation by Richard John Lynn. Comparing the translation to several books available in most bookstores, this is excellent. Lynn does not attempt to figure out what Lao Tzu is saying. Several translators undermine the message with wording or clarification. Comparing several books some create limitation through a primary focal point, while other's flourishing language is mostly confusing.

The main points are logical and follow a logical pattern and system. There is an emphasis on balance, which is the primary point of "Tao Te Ching." Individuals experience Tao when they are in balance. There are simple and lofty meditative passages. There are nonjudgmental examples of opposites and how they interact. There are links and continuations of passages before and after primary points. A person is challenged to find the spiritual or meditative message based on personal experience without being subverted.

I enjoyed reading "the Great Way of All Beings." It is not only useful to English Speaking Taoists or those wanting to learn about Taoism, it is useful to everyone who wants to experience greatness whether a Leader, Artist, Chemist, Police Officer or Domestic Caregiver. Any personality in any profession has the capacity to achieve greatness even when gaining greater control over themselves as an individual. Therefore, I recommend the book to everyone.

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